Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Legislation needs action taken NOW!

I try to steer clear of ANYTHING politics related, but this is a serious problem that we ALL need to be aware of!  I tried to send this as an e-mail, but my webmail was acting up....

We as parents need to contact our congressmen about the new Consumer Product Safety Act. It was meant to protect our children from the drama of the last few years (MANY toys and clothes being recalled), but it's also going to put ALL non-profit and small thrift stores out of business! You can read about it here - http://www.duanemorris.com/alerts/alert2940.html

The basics of the law state that anything that is made for the intent to sell to a child (those 12 and under) MUST have a certificate stating that it is lead free. This is a good thing, BUT for those who own thrift stores or consignment shops, this means they will have to throw out EVERYTHING in their stores or pay $4000 PER PRODUCT (this was just one estimate given) to have it tested!

PLEASE contact your local congressman and urge them to modify this bill to exclude any items made before the enactment date - February 10.

Oh and for those who think this won't apply to you - this also means you cannot sell used toys/clothes in yard sales! And the fine for selling these items you ask? $10,000 PER INSTANCE!

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