Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Well, my son's curls are gone..... mostly..... I guess he's growing up now...... Here's a pic to compare.

This is Angelo at Thanksgiving with a rat's tail of curls.

And here he is tonight.
So the story for those of you who haven't heard - My son is 22 months old and has never had a haircut (and we're not REALLY considering this one either....) He had these BEAUTIFUL curls (as you can see in the first pic!) and Michael didn't want to cut them off for fear that Angelo would switch from the little boy with the cute curls to just any other little boy. Problem was his "bangs" were getting in his eyes! So tonight after his bath, I took out the scissors and was attempting to HOLD Ange AND cut them. Needless to say my "spirited" son wouldn't have anything to do with it! So I asked Michael to help. Michael held Ange's head still (sounds bad doesn't it!) and I trimmed. I don't think they are straight, but they'll be brushed to the side and no one will notice :) Anyway, when we were done, I was trying to make sure I got them nicely and Michael took the scissors and cut the entire rat's tail of curls off! I like that he doesn't look SO MUCH like a girl, but I kinda liked them.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He will be just as cute with a boy haircut. He will always be *the king* in a family of girls!